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Chinese junk TV fusion

8 Apr

What to do when you want to watch junk TV but feel like you should be using all your time studying Chinese?

Mei Wenti!

Watch junk TV dubbed into Chinese!

Summer time…or not?

29 Mar

Weather is finally getting warm…or is it?

24 degrees on thursday and -1 on friday, WTF!

The central heating has been turned off, I demand that the weather gods be nice and send some warmth to Beijing and let it stay!

A hurricane names Snus

29 Mar

Im starting to wonder if not all cats are suffering from some degree of mental disorder…

Also I am wondering how old Snus (the cat Im babysitting) is, because I think she is very childish. Snus’ hobbies so far seem to be: climb and eat my palm tree, jump in and out of my dirty clothes basket, attack garbage bins, run in circles, and disturbingly she seems highly interested in the toilet and shower.

I wanted to take her out for a walk today, but then I remembered I don’t have a babystroller to put her in.

She is so lovely, I will miss her when Emma comes to pick her up tomorrow.

Beijing Pole Dancing Queens

29 Mar

Saturday was the big day of the Pole Dancing competition, and lucky me got voted the best dancer by the audience!

The competition consisted of two parts, a panel of 3 judges decided on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd best dancers. In addition to that the audience got to vote for their favourite.

The panel of judges consisted of a woman who runs a pole dancing school (where all the other girls come from) and two men who I have no idea are, or what expertise they have in judging pole dancing. Sooo considering the fact that I am not a member of the dance school I didn’t really expect to win the judges hearts no matter how well I danced. It’s okay, I like democracy, so I value the audience vote more anyways πŸ™‚

Here are some pictures from Saturday (I obviously didnt take any myself, and unfortunately both sarah and ulrik’s cameras won’t load their videos on to my computer, so I only have a few that was taken by a photographer hired by the Hilton).


Oh yes… I did end up going for “Big and Chunky” song from Madagascar in the end πŸ™‚

I love performing, can’t wait until the next opportunity arises!

Rantithetical couplet

24 Mar

I’m going through the new Chinese words we have to learn for the next chapter in our book… sometimes I really wonder what the use of some of the words are.
Like this week’s 对联 which of course means “rantithetical couplet”, whatever that is. I don’t think I have ever before in my life needed to use the word “rantithetical couplet”, I don’t actually even know what it means.

And also amongst the list of useful words we will learn this week is ζ°΄δ»™οΌŒwhich means narcissus. Another word I have never used before in my life.

Time to google to find out what rantithetical couplets really is…

Something to keep me warm at night

23 Mar

I have a visitor this weekend. A fluffy little thing called Snus.

I’m baby sitting her for Emma and Greg πŸ™‚

Snus helping me update my blog

GHD: my first Taobao purchase

23 Mar

My first Taobao purchase has arrived!

I bought a GHD hair straightner from Taobao. Taobao is sort of like the Chinese E-bay, only way better πŸ™‚

Normally GHD hair straightners cost around 1000-2000 rmb, depending on which country you buy it in, but I only paid 85 rmb for mine!

I wasn’t sure if it would be fake or not, but I decided that if it’s real then that’s superb, if it’s fake and it sucks then I only loose 85 rmb, and if it’s fake and works great, then who the hell cares if it is fake or not.

Right now I’m ecstatic because I’m 99% sure it is real as I managed to log on to GHD’s website and register it. Also, it works kick ass well!

I also bought some bookshelves at 45 rmb a piece from Taobao but they haven’t been delivered yet…once I get them I can unpack the 4 boxes of books I have and finally get settled in my new flat πŸ™‚

Excuse me, I think I lost my pants in your bar

20 Mar

Yeah, I managed to lose a pair of pants in the bar yesterday.

Not my pants though, they were Sarah’s. Duh! Dangran!

We were going to Jonas’ birthday celebration at Mao Chong (really good pizzas, I want to go to there again!). Only when Sarah and I were about to jump into a cab did I realise that a pair of her black tights had some how gotten stuck to my jacket. I put them in my pocket, but they must have fallen out when I took my jacket off at Mao Chong. And of course I forgot that I had accidentally brought them along and didn’t think about it until this morning. Ops.

I didn’t realise how bad it sounded, until I called the bar to ask if they had found a pair of pants lying around their establishment.

“Ehh Hiii, I think I lost my pants in your bar last night. I mean, I think I lost my friends pants. Ehm I mean…have you seen a pair of black tights lying around your bar from last night?”

Unfortunately, they said they knew nothing about a pair of missing pants. Sooo where can they be?

Oh the mystery of the missing pants…somewhere in Beijing a pair of pants are lying around all alone and lost.

Status Update

2 Mar

I haven’t been online for quite since life has been very busy. In the last weeks I have
1. Lost my internet at home and haven’t had the time to fix it (surfing on the neighbours’ now)
2. Quit working at the Norwegian Embassy
3. Going through the process of getting a new Visa
4. registering at University
5. My computer broke, so had to go get that fixed
6. Practicing pole dancing for the upcoming competition
7. Got a job as a Swedish teacher
8. Oh yes, that little matter of housing. Need to be out of my flat on Friday and have still not found another apartment… Kind of stressful.

So as you can see I dont really have the time to write much, especially since my neighbours’ net is sooo slow.

It might not be a white Christmas, but…

10 Feb

It’s a white New Year!

Woke up this morning to a white Beijing πŸ™‚
Apparently this is the most snow they have had in 16 years. Okay, so it is about 3-4 cm deep, but whatever, I am SO excited!!!

I tried making a snowman but the snow was too loose, maybe in a few days time. It will snow again on Sunday so we’ll see if it goes any better then.

Everyone is out “shuffling” snow, cooperation in action!