GHD: my first Taobao purchase

23 Mar

My first Taobao purchase has arrived!

I bought a GHD hair straightner from Taobao. Taobao is sort of like the Chinese E-bay, only way better 🙂

Normally GHD hair straightners cost around 1000-2000 rmb, depending on which country you buy it in, but I only paid 85 rmb for mine!

I wasn’t sure if it would be fake or not, but I decided that if it’s real then that’s superb, if it’s fake and it sucks then I only loose 85 rmb, and if it’s fake and works great, then who the hell cares if it is fake or not.

Right now I’m ecstatic because I’m 99% sure it is real as I managed to log on to GHD’s website and register it. Also, it works kick ass well!

I also bought some bookshelves at 45 rmb a piece from Taobao but they haven’t been delivered yet…once I get them I can unpack the 4 boxes of books I have and finally get settled in my new flat 🙂

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