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Scary Chinese people!

21 Jan

hahaha, Ryan wrote in “I am scared of” in the google search-field, and this is what comes up

I laughed my ass off.

Right. There is only one thing more scarier than death: Chinese people and black people.

Great, brave new world! Applause to you.
Grow some balls (and an intellect while you are at it)

Pictures from my expensive photo-shoot

19 Jan

Me, as you never have seen me before!



My brain!
Please ignore the little bag of water (as directly translated from the doctor’s mouth) it will disappear eventually.

Admire and adore! Oh yes I know you are!

Red Light Revolution

19 Jan

Just wanted to mention this new Chinese movie to spread the word about it.

On saturday they will auction away movie-props in Nanluoguxiang to raise funds for screening the movie around the world (see the beijinger).

I haven’t seen it yet but looking forward to seeing it as soon as possible, looks super funny 🙂

Red Light Revolution


17 Jan

I never thought about it before, but just realised that anteaters look frikkin funny!

Been looking at some pictures of anteaters for the past half hour, and can’t stop laughing. I think anteaters have become my new favourite animal 🙂 Yes, I am easily amused.

(This is the first Swedish-born anteater ever, cute! photo from Parken Zoo)

Toilet themed restaurant in Kunming

13 Jan

Sarah sent me this link about a restaurant in Kunming that has a toilet theme.
You can for example get this lovely chocolate ice-cream, served in a squat toilet bowl… charming

Why China, why?! Aaaahghgh…

Oh Ryan oh Ryan!

9 Jan

Just spent the past 3 hours listening to Ryan talk about his life in China.

I think he is the most interesting person I have ever met, definitely in the top 5.
I looove listening to him tell all his crazy stories from China, for example when a cult in Inner Mongolia let him stay with them for 6 months, I mean, how many foreigners get to see that from the inside?! (just to make it clear, he did not join the cult, but went there to try talk his friend out of it). Or when he was about to open up an english school, but then a week before the opening the Sichuan earthquake happened and he had to sleep on the street because of aftershocks made it dangerous to be inside and eventually he left for Beijing.

I am glad he ended up in Beijing so that we can be with each other again.

Ryan says a lot of people think it is annoying that he talks a lot. Well, that’s just because they are being stupid and not actually listening to what he has to say! I think Ryan is the greatest precisely because he has interesting things to talk about AND on top of that talks a lot! Double the greatness!

Sexy Beijing: Christmas Time

6 Jan

What does Christmas really mean to Chinese people? And what about Hanukkah?

Tibetans and Chairman Mao

6 Jan

Read an interesting (i think interesting would be the correct word to use) interview with a Tibetan streetvendor about his opions on Chairman Mao.

Q: What would Chairman Mao say if he were standing here today and saw you selling these propaganda posters to foreigners?

A: He would say “Very good job”. I think he would feel good about us since we are helping foreigners learn about how Chairman Mao liberated Tibet.

Read the full interview at They usually have quite quirky and fun interviews with random people in Beijing city.

Me as a cartoon II

29 Dec

If I was a cartoon I would look like this

Liliang made it today during dinner using Ryan’s ipad.
I’m pretty happy with his interpretation of me hihi

Monster in a tank

26 Dec

WTF is this!!!?!

Sarah and I were at the Wudaokou market and I started looking at this fish tank, I almost freaked out when I found this guy at the bottom

Seriously!! What is it? Kind of fascinating…